Promodhni Suresh

Counselor or Therapist
Verified Therapist Credentials


  • Company - Not Linked to any Company
  • Agency Name - Not Linked to any Company
  • Chennai, 600119

  • Contact Name - Promodhni Suresh
  • Time slot - Monday: 10.30AM - 8.30PM
    Tuesday: 10.30AM - 8.30PM
    Wednesday: 10.30AM - 8.30PM
  • Phone - ******8811


I am a mental health professional who primarily works in providing individual therapy to assist people from all walks of life. I follow an eclectic approach and adapt the sessions to suit the client based on their needs. I mostly work with anxiety, stress, neurodivergence, adjustment issues, etc.


  • Years in Practice: 1 Year
  • Last Educational Institution: Madras School of Social Work
  • Year Graduated: 2022

Fee structure & payments

  • Avg Cost (per session): ‎₹1000 - 1200
  • Accepts Insurance: No
  • Accepted Payment Methods: UPI or Bank transfers

Age Group of Patients

  • Teens
  • Adults

Therapy Type

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy /REBT
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Eclectic Therapy
  • Person Centered Therapy


  • Adjusting to Change or Life Transitions
  • Inattention, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity (ADHD)
  • LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Issues
  • Women's Issues
  • Young Adult Issues
  • Self Compassion

Last Modified: 09 August 2024