Shreya Garg Counselling Psychologist,PGDGC,CBT Practitioner, MA Clinical Psychology
- Company - PEACE PSY
- Agency Name - PEACE PSY
- Contact Name - Shreya Garg Counselling Psychologist,PGDGC,CBT Practitioner, MA Clinical Psychology
Time slot -
12:00 PM- 8:00 PM - Phone - ******5856
NOIDA, 201301
Additional Location
- 201301
- Phone - *******5644
An enthusiastic, skilled and well-motivated mental health professional and researcher with a track record of safe guarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults and children.
In the journey of my Academic career of PGDGC, Graduation and Post graduation in Clinical Psychology and from the various certifications in the in depth fields of Child Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Life Counselling; Energy healing and Law of attraction, has helped me to visualize the Human Psyche in a different manner and uplifts my passion of psychology at a Higher level.
Through my expertise and knowledge my perspective of evaluating an individual is different by focusing on the both Internal and External energies the individual is carrying with themselves and providing a complete Mental Health Solution to my client.
- Years in Practice: 3 Years
- Last Educational Institution: Jamia Milia Islamia
- Year Graduated: ONGOING PGDGC
Fee structure & payments
- Avg Cost (per session): ₹2000
- Accepts Insurance: No
- Accepted Payment Methods: PAYTM, UPI, ACCOUNT TRANSFER
Age Group of Patients
- Children
- Teens
- Adults
- Elders
Therapy Type
- Art Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy /REBT
- Hypnotherapy
- Person Centered or Rogerian
- Play Therapy
- Psychoanalysis or Modern Psychoanalysis
- Past Life Regression Therapy
- Psycho-Oncology
- Pharmacotherapy
- Cognitive Exercises
- Color Therapy
- Abandonment
- Abortion or Post Abortion Issues
- Abuse or Abuse Survivor Issues
- Academic Concerns
- Adoption or Reunion Issues
- Aggression and Violence
- Aging and Geriatric Issues
- Attachment Issues
- Blended Family Issues
- Child and/or Adolescent Issues
- Codependency or Dependency
- Communication Problems
- Depression
- Divorce or Divorce Adjustment
- Domestic Violence
- Emotional Abuse
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emptiness
- Family of Origin Issues
- Family Problems
- Fear
- Fertility Issues
- Forgiveness
- Grief, Loss, and Bereavement
- Habits
- Helplessness or Victimhood
- Inattention, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity (ADHD)
- Individuation
- Infidelity or Affair Recovery
- Irritability
- Isolation
- Jealousy
- Learning Difficulties
- LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Issues
- Men's Issues
- Midlife Crisis or Midlife Transition
- Mood Swings or Mood Disturbance
- Obsessions and Compulsions (OCD)
- Oppositional and Defiant Behavior in Children and Teen
- Panic
- Parenting
- Phobias
- Physical Abuse
- Post Partum Depression
- Post Traumatic Stress or Trauma
- Pre-Marital Counseling
- Pregnancy and Birthing
- Relationships and Marriage
- Self Care
- Self Confidence
- Self Criticism
- Self Doubt
- Self Esteem
- Self Harm
- Self Love
- Sensitivity to Criticism
- Sexual Abuse
- Sleep Disorders
- Social Anxiety or Phobia
- Suspiciousness or Paranoia
- Trust Issues
- Values Clarification
- Women's Issues
- Worry
- Worthlessness
- Cancer
- Body Image
- Young Adult Issues
- Breakup
- Bullying
- Psychosis
- Rejection
- Self Actualization
- Self Compassion
- Sex Addiction
- Somatization
- Self Harm and Suicidal Ideation
- Personality
- Adult survivors of child sexual abuse
- Adult Survivors of childhood domestic conflict
- Romantic Relationships
- Loneliness & Depression
- Hyperactivity
- Poor Waiting And Sitting Tolerance
- Trauma Recovery Behavioral Problems
- Homicidal Thoughts
Last Modified: 13 March 2022