Haleema sadiya

Verified Therapist Credentials


  • Company - Freelance Company Details
  • Agency Name - Freelance
  • Bangalore, 560045

  • Contact Name - Haleema sadiya


Worked as a behavior therapist.  Have experience working with children having difficulty with studies as well as behavioral issues and dealing with school adjustment,  communication,  emotional and social well-being.  



  • Years in Practice: 7 Years
  • Last Educational Institution: Kristu jayanti collage
  • Year Graduated: 2017

Fee structure & payments

  • Avg Cost (per session): ‎₹100
  • Accepts Insurance: No
  • Accepted Payment Methods: Card

Age Group of Patients

  • Children
  • Teens
  • Adults

Therapy Type

  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Art Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy /REBT
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy
  • Mindfulness Based Approaches
  • Parent Work
  • Parent Child Interaction Therapy
  • Self Psychology
  • Group Therapy
  • Stress Management Meditation
  • Remedial Education
  • Inter Personal Therapy
  • Stress Management


  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Disability
  • Learning Difficulties

Last Modified: 10 September 2024