Age Group of Client(s)
Adults Children Elders Teens
Clinical Psychologist Clinical Social Worker Counselor or Therapist Addictions Counselor Licensed Psychoanalyst Psychologist Marriage and Family Therapist Marriage and Family Therapist Intern Occupational Therapist Psychology Student/Intern Pre Licensed Professional Psychiatrist Psychiatric Nurse Psychiatric Social Worker Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Special Educator Child & Adolescent Psychologist Speech Therapist Cognitive Therapist Behaviour Therapist Animal Assisted Therapist Neuro Psychologist Emotional Intelligence Coach Past Life Regression Therapist Clinical Hypnotherapist Crystal Healing Therapist Counselling Psychologist Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. Behavioral Analyst Cognitive Analytic Therapy Heartfulness Meditation Trainer Family Constellation Transactional Analysis Psychometric Assessment for personality, IQ, LD, ADHD Sports Performance Industrial psychologist Psycho-oncology Counselor and Therapist Psychologist And Marriage Counselor Listening And Spoken Language Specialist Mental Retardation Neuropsychiatrist Psychotherapist Rehabilitation Supportive Psychotherapy Neurodevelopmental Assessment Mentalization Based Treatment Sleep Hygiene Research (mental health) Education (mental health) Mentoring Pranic healing Reiki Trauma-informed Counseling
Abandonment Abortion or Post Abortion Issues Abuse or Abuse Survivor Issues Academic Concerns Addictions and Compulsions Adjusting to Change or Life Transitions Adoption or Reunion Issues Adult survivors of child sexual abuse Adult Survivors of childhood domestic conflict Aggression and Violence Aging and Geriatric Issues Agoraphobia Anger Anxiety Attachment Issues Autism Spectrum Disorders Batterer Intervention Behavioral changes Bipolar Blended Family Issues Body Image Borderline Personality Disorder Breakup Bullying Cancer Career Choice Caregiver Issues or Stress Child and/or Adolescent Issues Chronic Illness or Disability Chronic Pain Codependency or Dependency Cognitive difficulties Communication Problems Compulsive Spending / Shopping Control Issues Couples therapy Creative Blocks Dementia Depression Developmental Disorders (Autism, Aspergers, etc.) Disability Dissociation Divorce or Divorce Adjustment Domestic Violence Drug and Alcohol Addiction Dyslexia Eating and Food Issues Emotional Abuse Emotional Fitness Training Emotional Intelligence Emotional Overwhelm Emptiness Epilepsy Executive Function Family of Origin Issues Family Problems Fear Fertility Issues Forgiveness Functional decline Gambling Addiction Gender and Sexuality Related Concerns Grief, Loss, and Bereavement Habits Health or Illness or Medical Issues Helplessness or Victimhood HIV or AIDS Hoarding Homicidal Thoughts Hyperactivity Identity Issues Inadequacy Inattention, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity (ADHD) Individuation Infidelity or Affair Recovery Intellectual Disability Internet Addiction Irritability Isolation Jealousy Learning Difficulties LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Issues Life Purpose or Meaning or Inner-Guidance Loneliness & Depression Memory difficulties Men's Issues Menopausal anxiety and depression Midlife Crisis or Midlife Transition Mood Swings or Mood Disturbance Multicultural Concerns neonatal Psychology and developmental issues Obsessions and Compulsions (OCD) Oppositional and Defiant Behavior in Children and Teen Panic Parenting Parkinson's Disease, Perfectionism Personality Phobias Physical Abuse Polyamory or Nonmonogamous Relationships Poor Concentration Poor Waiting And Sitting Tolerance Post Partum Depression Post Traumatic Stress or Trauma Power Pre-Marital Counseling Pregnancy and Birthing Prejudice or Discrimination Psychosis Rejection Relationships and Marriage Religious Issues Remedial Educator Romantic Relationships Schizophrenia Self Actualization Self Care Self Compassion Self Confidence Self Criticism Self Doubt Self Esteem Self Harm Self Harm and Suicidal Ideation Self Love Sensitivity to Criticism Sensory Issues Sex Addiction Sexual Abuse Sexuality or Sex Therapy Shame Sleep Disorders Smoking Cessation Social Anxiety or Phobia Somatization Spirituality Stress Suicidal Ideation and Behavior Suspiciousness or Paranoia Trauma Trauma Recovery Behavioral Problems Trust Issues Values Clarification Women's Issues Workplace Issues Worry Worthlessness Young Adult Issues
Type of Therapy
Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Adlerian Psychotherapy Anger Management Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Applied Behavior Analysis Art Therapy Astropsychological Remedies Authentic Movement Autogenic Training Bach Flower Therapy Behavioral Therapy Bibliotherapy Bioenergetic Analysis Biofeedback or Neurofeedback Body Mind Psychotherapy Body Psychotherapy Body Talk System Brain Working Recursive Therapy Brainspotting Breathwork Change Management Therapy Clean Language, Symbolic Modeling, and Metaphor Therapy Client Directed Outcome Informed Therapy Cognitive Analytic Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy /REBT Cognitive Exercises Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching Coherence Therapy or Depth Oriented Brief Therapy Collaborative Couple Therapy Collaborative Therapy or Collaborative Language Systems Color Therapy Compassion focused therapy Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Conflict Resolution Therapy Constructivisim Contemplative Psychotherapy Continuum Control Mastery Theory Core Energetics Core Process Psychotherapy Couples therapy Creative Art Therapy Critical Incidence Stress Debriefing Crystal Healing Dance or Movement Therapy Deep Healing ERTH model Dementia Management Depth Hypnosis Depth Oriented Brief Therapy Depth Therapy Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Drama Therapy Dreamwork and Dream Analysis Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Early childhood expert therapist Eclectic Therapy Ecotherapy Nature Therapy Ego State Therapy Emotion Focused Couples Therapy Emotion Focused Therapy Emotional Freedom Technique Emotional Intelligence Coaching Emotional Transformation Therapy Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Emotionally Focused Therapy Energy Healing Energy Psychology Equine and Animal Assisted Psychotherapies Existential Psychotherapy Expressive Arts Therapy Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Family Attachment Narrative Therapy Family Constellations Family Systems Therapy Feldenkrais Method Feminist Therapy Filial Therapy Focalizing Focusing Gestalt Therapy Gottman Method Graphotherapy Group Therapy Guided Therapeutic Imagery Hakomi Healing Above Regression Therapy Healing Touch Holistic Psychotherapy Holographic Memory Resolution Holotropic Breathwork Human Givens Humanistic Psychology Hypnotherapy Imago Relationship Therapy Inner Child Healing in Systemic Family Therapy Integral Psychotherapy Integral Somatic Psychotherapy Integrated Eye Movement Therapy Integration of different therapy models Integrative Body Psychotherapy Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Inter Personal Therapy Internal Family Systems Interpersonal Neurobiology Interpersonal Psychotherapy InterPlay Intuitive Counseling Journal Therapy Journey Therapy Jungian Psychotherapy Language Therapy Lifespan Integration Logotherapy Medidation Therapy Mentalization type treatment Middendorf Breathexperience Mindfulness Based Approaches Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Motivational Enhancement Therapy Music Therapy Narrative Therapy Neuro Linguistic Programming Neurodevelopmental Assessment Neurofeedback Non Violent Communication Object Relations Occupational Therapy Organisational Counsellor Parent Child Interaction Therapy Parent Work Past Life Regression Therapy Person Centered or Rogerian Person Centered Therapy Pharmacotherapy Philosophical Counseling Play Therapy Pluralistic Therapy Poetry Therapy Positive Psychology Positive Psychotherapy Possibility Therapy Pragmatic or Experiential Therapy for Couples Process Oriented Psychology Psycho Physical Therapy Psycho-Oncology Psychoanalysis or Modern Psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Psychodrama Psychodynamic Psychomotor Psychosynthesis Queer Affirmative Radiant Heart Therapy Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) Reality Therapy Redecision therapy Regression Therapy Reichian Breathwork Relational Psychotherapy Relational Recovery Relationship Enhancement Therapy Relexation Techniques Remedial Education Rubenfeld Synergy Method Sand Tray or Sand Play Therapy Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy Schema Therapy Self Acceptance Training Self Psychology Self Relations Self-Compassion Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Sensory Integration Sex therapy Shamanic Journeying / Psychoshamanic Solution Focused Therapy Somatic Experiencing Somatic Psychotherapy Soul Centered Psychiatry Speech Therapy Sport or Fitness Psychology Stress Management Stress Management Meditation Supportive Psychotherapy Systems Theory /Therapy Theraplay Thought Field Therapy Timeline Therapy Transactional Analysis Transpersonal Psychotherapy Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Trauma Informed Trauma Relief Unlimited Vedic Psychology Voice Dialogue Voice Therapy Wilderness Therapy Yoga Therapy